Back in ‘86 these shoes were the signature shoe for the young Patrick Ewing. In fact, the official name for these shoes were the Adidas Ewing Conductor, a beefed up version of the Adidas Ewing Rivalry. Since Ewing left Adidas in ‘89 to form his own brand, Adidas can no longer use his name on the product or his logo on the tongue much like Adidas had to do with the re-release of early Kobe kicks Crazy 8's Infamously known.The 6 colors represent each of the 5 rings on the Olympic symbol plus the white field on which the logo sits. this is an epic release as the 8-8-08 Olympic's drops this summer dont be surprised to see some athletes rockin these they are ultra dope!! These are available now in NYC at David Z and also online for all of us outside of the City at DavidZ.com.
they're def cool as hell.do they cost a lot.maybe i'll check out the website.
wat is the cost of this shoes
@Tanveer, I'm not quite sure, Trav blogged this a while back... You can try searching the Adidas site, they might have them on there somewhere witha price.
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