Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lupe's lupEND to Become a Double Album??

Word has it Mr. Fiasco wants to make the 1984-inspired Streets on Fire the basis for his third and final album.

"It shows this really weird world that's half-destroyed. I think storytelling is one of my strong suits and I might expand on that song," he says.

"I've been planning this real grandoise idea, which I'm still battling with. So many good ideas are coming out of it. So far, it's all only in my head."

Its still unknown whether or not if those ideas will formulate into his next album. So will it??

"I don't know," he says. "I'm about 85% certain that LupEND will be my last record, and what's stopping me is these ideas from Streets On Fire.

"See, that could be a concept record before LupEND. But I've said for so long my third record would be my last. Hey, maybe I could do a double album!"