Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hi Can Bed...... Dear Lord the Ideas I have =)

Hi-Can is a “High Fidelity Canopy” created by the Italian Designer Edoardo Carlino. Hi-can integrates flaps, ventilation, a hi-fi system and a screen with a dvd player. What more can one want?

Think of it as a geek's second home inside the home. The Hi-Can "Fidelity Canopy" supposedly lets users "surf the web, watch movies, play games, and listen to music all from the comfort of your bed." No word yet on pricing or availability. Click here for first picture in gallery.

I found this at Urban Kinetics, but I did a lilttle bit of my own research....... I think I love this bed hahahaha (no homo).... Just think, now you won't even have to talk that special girl into your bed. Just pull out your phone, and say,"Have you ever slept in one of these??" hahahahahahaha. Okay so maybe not. Peace!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your humor lol...creative and insightful post. The gallery seemed nice :)