Thursday, January 29, 2009

WERE BACK!!!! again.

HEY guys. It's Remote from your favorite young crew L.N.W (Leaders of the New World).
You know, we've been pretty busy lately, that is, Trav and I. and we been slacking on the post the updates. and with Lupe's new gaining more attention, and new artist showing up. New albums form other greats, and other interest on our minds. We both have our own separate blogs. For just our personal interest. Mine is going to be full of photography, both mine and stuff i find amazing. and his is more music and sports. so check us out. we both been doing good though so you know hit it up.

My new address is: lol im not to original with names =P

and Trav's is: lol apparently neither is he =)

both are linked in the sidebar

OKAY. so keep reading this blog, and check out both of yours for a change. thanks everyone!! enjoy, and comment comment comment. tell us what you wanna read about. what you would like less of! ANYTHING??!!

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